A Sexy and Spiritual Subconscious Experiment.

Gaia, the Spirit of the Earth, Ibrahim just whispered a sexy and spiritual subconscious experiment into my ears.

Being a Messenger surely has its perks.

All subconscious wealth affirmers should listen to this affirmation before sleep. After each question is asked, answer out loud and to yourself, “The Creator.”

Why is this practice a sexy and spiritual subconscious experiment?

Great question. Gaia, the Spirit of the Earth, Ibrahim and I are glad you asked!

1. You are programming your subconscious mind to praise The Creator in your sleep by affirming The Creator is the source of the extreme wealth.

2. Askfirmations like these provoke the subconscious mind to attempt answering the questions in ways the listener is most able. Thereafter, it’s up to the listener’s faith in what their subconscious mind provokes them to perform consciously.

Good luck on your sexy and spiritual subconscious journeys!


Well done, Askfirmations!

Published by mindoftheprophet

I love learning and teaching metaphysical principles. I also write revolutionary poetry and host a revolutionary podcast. Enjoy!

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