

Imagine as you say,

My Creator, guide me into images prayed with You today.

The Creator be praised. Planet Earth, be amazed.

I AM THAT I AM, thank You.

Your imagination, I AM THAT I AM, has no equal.

Moments I once believed inconceivable,

Are, for me, creating time.

Thank You, I AM THAT I AM. I am living my best life.



Imagine a wish fulfilled within your mind.

Become entangled among photons of its light.

Entangle moving images stirring tears into your eyes.

Entangle your mind among dynamics of the time.

Reality is quantum. Time, be a wrinkle.

Be the shortest distance between where I am and what I’m thinking.

May the radiating joy in my heart be the beacon,

To the moment in time of the joy my heart is feeling.

May the moment’s gravity cause its light’s bending.

Guide my footsteps into the mass of its light’s image.

Fuse noble outcomes into the mass of light’s mission.

May God’s presence be fused within the exhibits.

May God’s presence be mathematic and scientific.

May God’s work outline the form of my life’s stencil.

May God’s love be the paint within the middle.

Be done.




I am free! What thoughts does a free man have?

I AM THAT I AM, guide me into a free man’s path.

How do I feel the first time I breathe a free man’s air?

How bright is the sun the first time I see freedom’s glare?

How light do I feel the first time I am a free man’s mass?

How do I count upon learning a free man’s math?

I want to smile freedom’s joy. I want to laugh freedom’s laugh.

I want to cry freedom’s shout! I want to dance freedom’s dance.

How do I love? Guide me into a free man’s romance,

With my heaven made spouse. I want to ring freedom’s hand.

We both be free. Guide me into freedom squared.

How good do we look? Enable me to see freedom paired.

Be done.



I Discovered a Wormhole.

A time machine exists within your mind.

Within imagination you travel throughout time.

Imagine mankind a multitude of divine,

Satisfied free people, noble, and inspired.

See harmony desired and intelligence multiplied.

Choose to live there upon opening your eyes.

Two separate endpoints in spacetime then align.

Your mind is the shortest distance between the times.


This Sower’s Prayer.

Lord, thank You for my mina.

Guide me into the correct way to return it unto You with interest.

Guide me into the correct way to make that interest residual.

Guide me into the correct way to make that residual exponential.

Lord, thank You for my talent.

Guide me into being Your talented ambassador.

Thank You for your guidance. Your guidance is masterful.

Guide me into fun, income earning sabbaticals.

Guide me into income earning concepts that are radical.

Lord, thank You.

Guide me into the correct way to make my estate perpetual.

Guide me into work for You that You declare exceptional.

Guide me into work for You that You agree is acceptable.

Guide me into making Your wisdom relatable,

To persuade another to ask You for a mina of their own.

Be done.


My New Awareness.

I AM THAT I AM, I am now fully aware that man is made in Your image. I am also now aware that when I see a man in need, an image of You is also in need.

Which must also mean that as I help man, I am also helping You. Which now amplifies the beauty of the Golden Rule because as I help man, how much greater do You help me because now it is apparent to me that I am also helping You.

Man is made in Your image. Which must mean that each man’s face also reflects Your face. Which must mean that all men must look like You even when man does not act like You.

Which means that each man’s face must be Your face. Which should provoke all men to help a man in need.

How marvelous is the Golden Rule! Be done.


One Inevitable Reunion.

How pleasant it is to receive your soul’s freedom.

How mysterious the way a free soul comes into being.

How assured the destination along a free soul’s sequence.

How wonderful to think with a free soul’s reason.

How irresistible the radiance of a free soul’s beacon.

How liberating the words of a free soul’s speaking.

How amazing the miracle of a free soul’s believing.

How miraculous the moment of two free soul’s meeting.

How blessed Creation is with two free soul’s agreement.

I AM THAT I AM, open the good way for a new free soul to read this.

Be done.


A Miracle Affirmation to Enjoy Menstrual Cycle Relief

Are you ready for your miracle?!?

Say goodbye to cramps and wild mood swings!

This marvelous subconscious treatment was created over 6 months ago to give to a woman who had 30 years of painful menstrual cycles. She hasn’t had a painful cycle since she first affirmed the words. The result is nothing short of a miracle!

Are you a woman that experiences disabling menstrual cycles? Would you like to experience a pain free menstrual cycle? If yes, then keep reading to receive your own miracle.

Welcome to The Promised Land Mastermind custom subconscious treatment designed specifically to support women experiencing menstrual symptoms. We understand that this time of the month can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. This marvelous subconscious treatment aims to alleviate menstrual discomfort and help you find harmony within your mind and body during your period.

During this marvelous, subconscious treatment, you will immerse yourself in soothing music and calming guided meditations. These affirmations promote deep relaxation, hormonal balance, pain relief, and emotional release. It is our belief that by entrusting your subconscious mind, you can tap into your body’s innate ability to heal itself.

Our goal is to help you reclaim the time of your menstrual cycle as a period of self-care and self-discovery. With regular use, you may find a reduction in physical discomfort, increased emotional resilience, improved mood, and a greater connection with your body. Remember, everyone’s journey is unique, so be patient and kind to yourself as you embark on this transformative experience.

We invite you to carve out a cozy, uninterrupted space for your treatment sessions. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and let the soothing sounds and affirmations wash over you. Trust in the power of your subconscious mind as it works hand-in-hand with this marvelous subconscious treatment to support your overall well-being.

Thank you for choosing this marvelous, guided subconscious treatment. You have taken an empowering step towards embracing your menstrual cycle with grace and strength. Now, embark on this healing journey together with our excellent narrator, and Promised Land Mastermind member, K.R.

Have a marvelous day, my friends.

Listen. Enjoy. Repeat.

Your Inspired Friend and Good Citizen of the World,

Samuel Ibrahim – The Creator’s Ambassador of Agreement


The Marvelous Beauty of Resurrection – Part 1

I AM THAT I AM, this is the most important journal entry I have written to date. What is the right way to express the marvelous beauty of resurrection? Grant unto me the right words to persuade another to join me in the resulting celebration of life. For the experience is truly one that knows no end. What words would persuade another to begin their life anew, and actually experience what Jesus accurately phrased as being born again? What words would cause another’s soul to burst forth with such force, and joy, that no man would voluntarily restrict their soul’s marvelous expansion and divine, free expression? Thank You, I AM THAT I AM, for delivering the answers to my sincere questions. And so it is.

Sharing parts of my personal experience seem appropriate because I have an advantage of faith that readers and future listeners of this entry do not: experiencing and surviving an all-night supernatural encounter that rivals any vision or first-person encounter recorded in any holy scripture that I am aware of.

I was raised on Christian theology and the teachings of Jesus Christ. I was also a minister who preached the gospel. Preaching was one of my most enjoyable life experiences. However, my life felt void of the power available to all men through the gospel, although it was surely full of the grace afforded to all believers. By choice, I separated myself from the church because the outcomes promised by faithful application of the gospel did not feel manifest in my life. I could no longer deliver a sermon while enduring intolerable suffering without myself experiencing the promised and expected result of the believing the gospel. In my anger and despair, I told The Creator I had to experience Him in a new way if I were to preach in His name again. Then anger and despair morphed into forcing myself to believe that The Creator was not real in order to release my last hope of being free from the suffering I experienced.

The Creator, being faithful, delivered His answer unto me in a marvelous way that is still unfolding. “God’s way are past finding out.” (Romans 11:33).

I am a witness to the Apostle Paul’s declaration of this marvelous truth. When I was out of fellowship with The Creator, The Creator re-established fellowship with me in an undeniable way to give me the confidence to again profess His name publicly before another. The demonstration of behavior that sparked my desire to re-establish fellowship in return began with the intentional use of my thoughts and speech in noble ways, and intentionally rejecting anything to the contrary for thirty (30) consecutive days. The exercise is called the thirty-day mental diet. The goal of the exercise is to complete 30 consecutive days without saying anything contrary to what I wanted to experience in life, in addition to refraining from dwelling on anything negative for a prolonged period of time. Speaking a contrary word or prolonged contemplation of anything negative required me to restart the exercise. As a result, a practicing family attorney re-acquainted himself with silence because I was that determined to complete the challenge. What further enhanced the experience was that if I spoke, then I only spoke what was good, or found what was good, about every life circumstance even if the circumstance did not look or feel pleasant.

While completing the thirty-day mental diet, I subscribed to the belief that in my brother’s eye, there is my own soul. Meaning, anyone I had the pleasure of interacting with, that person and I had some similar desire, which resulted in me having the patience and compassion for them I would want someone to have with me. My journey led me to others, men and women, who felt like me yet clothed in another’s skin. Said another way, to my amazement, I felt like I kept meeting myself in another person’s body. Surely this was no coincidence.

The unexpected but foretold result was that I began to see my interconnectedness with the whole of The Creator’s body, which subsequently added depth to Genesis 1:27, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Once the truth of the scripture became undeniably apparent to me, it became easy and commonplace, for me to hear The Creator’s voice guiding and encouraging me through the mouth of another. How do I know this to be true? Because people began speaking my private thoughts to me as I kept my mouth silent to complete the thirty-day mental diet. In one instance, an elderly Creole gentleman from Louisiana sparked a random conversation with me in the Harris County, Texas courthouse and asked me how much consideration I gave to the origin of words, their meaning, and the effect words had upon a person’s life.

Imagine me hiding the astonishment I felt that I would meet such a man while governing my speech.

I fully accepted that I was experiencing something supernatural. The Creator was certainly showing Himself to me in a new way, and these moments enabled me to complete the thirty-day mental exercise with joy. I knew at any given moment I would receive The Creator’s wisdom through the mouth of a man or woman to help me complete the uncommon journey I began.

Upon choosing to see every circumstance as good and treating every man as a manifestation of The Creator, I began experiencing The Creator’s good in all things. If I was there, then The Creator was there. If The Creator was there, then the moment must also be good. Which means that every moment must, by default, be a good moment. Without exception. Which meant, if I sought what was good about a circumstance, then I would come to know and understand what was good about the circumstance. Seek and ye shall find. (Matthew 7:7). This began my spiritual awakening. I began discerning with spiritual eyes and learned how wonderfully superior the spiritual eye is to the natural eye, and I subsequently began to trust my spiritual eyes more than my natural eyes. The Creator, being faithful, responded in kind and gave me more to spiritually discern once spiritual trust was established. “His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’” (Matthew 25:21).

A curious decision preceded my soul’s resurrection. I was on an excursion in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, that led me to a cliff where I could jump into the water from a height I had never jumped before. I have a vivid, childlike imagination and I believed the path we traveled was at some point also traveled by indigenous warriors on their way to defend their freedom. As I walked the path and waded through the water, I imagined I was one of them bravely going to defend my freedom, and the freedom of those I loved. The imagined moment created the feeling and image of an actual moment, and the feeling of ancient bravery was firmly impressed upon me. It may be the first time I had ever felt so fearless. The night I arrived back home, while watching television, a powerful childlike force leapt out of me that seemed to understand everything, and I instantly began seeing the orderly movements of Creation anew.

My life has two distinct levels of consciousness. Before the childlike force leapt from within me, and after. This began my soul’s marvelous resurrection.

The scales of my old natural eyes fell, and through my new natural eyes which now discerned all things spiritually, I began to experience the beautiful order of God’s Creation as a new creature. At the time, I was unaware of the magnitude of what was actually happening to me and within me. Nevertheless, I knew I had never experienced life with such wonderful clarity. The enthusiasm and belief I had as a child returned unto me, as if that part of me arose from a prolonged slumber and was eager to play and explore his new surroundings. I was thoroughly enjoying this joyful manchild experience and allowed the re-awakened child to live freely. I believed all of the beauty and marvelous order before me. At the time, the best way I was able to describe the experience was that I finally began experiencing the salvation the gospel says is available to all men. “He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.'” (Matthew 18:2-4). My childlike enthusiasm and I have been in fellowship with The Creator ever since.

The salvation I experienced felt better than anything I ever felt as a practicing Christian. Christian sermons too often reminded me that I fell short, and as a result, I focused too much attention onto my shortcomings. My new experience of salvation felt like freedom from all constraints. I felt much more than hope. I felt assured of good things coming unto me, and experienced a corresponding result. This was the first time that things would happen sometimes within moments of my imagining them. If I called a good situation forward, many of the marvelous outcomes indeed manifested. Life for the first time was truly amazing. I was in awe of The Creator. I was in awe that experiencing life in this way was possible. My life felt like a child’s wonderland. Thus, accelerating and amplifying supernatural my moments.

One night during one of my joyous meditative experiences, strong winds blew though the oak tree in my front yard with great force. I looked to the left and right of me, and saw motionless trees in my neighbor’s yards. Only my tree was tossed about waiving in marvelous celebration of the moment.

I was amazed.

At the same time, the rocks in my landscaping began crackling as if infused with static electricity, and the scripture of Jesus saying the rocks would cry out came to my memory. “And he answered and said unto them, ‘I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.'” Luke 19:40.

I sat in my chair astonished. I enjoyed the magnificence of what I was witnessing. I accepted all that I saw with joy and excitement. Soon thereafter, I experienced my first vision.

If it was important, I could recall the audiobook I was listening to when I went into my first trance and saw images of multiple faces flash before me in rapid succession. This was the first time I experienced fear within the experience. I saw the faces of ancient and historic men. Many I did not recognize, yet I felt that I knew who they were. Those I did recognize were men who accomplished great things, however, they experienced great suffering or were assassinated. It was the first time I told The Creator I did not want something that accompanied what I know now was the initial stage of my resurrection experience.

To be continued….


Do You Need a Dose of Inspiration?

Be ye inspired!

How marvelously beautiful would the world be if more people were inspired to perform inspired work that fills their heart with joy?

That’s a question I asked The Creator, and this marvelous, guided subconscious treatment is one of the results. The ENHANCED Inspired Person’s Subconscious Treatment was created for the existing entrepreneur and the aspiring entrepreneur. It was created for the soul who desires to leave their inspired mark upon humanity. The words of the treatment are guaranteed to work perfectly because this treatment is engineered to maximize subconscious compliance and natural performance.

If you need an inspired push, then this is the inspired push you have been in search of.

You may be asking, what is a subconscious treatment and how is it different from an affirmation? That’s a great question!

Affirmations are generally declarations of, “I am [fill in the blank],” that someone frequently repeats to impress a desired state of mind onto their subconscious mind. In order for the affirmation to be effective, the subconscious mind of the subject must believe the declared statement and assume the consciousness of the declared statement. For example, if a subject affirms, “I am wealthy,” and does not believe themself to be wealthy no matter how much money is in their possession, they have not assumed the consciousness of a wealthy person, and subsequently, wealth does not follow because the subject does not believe the declared affirmation. You must believe an affirmation for it to be effective.

Subconscious treatments are enhanced affirmations that inform a subject’s subconscious mind of the specific behavior the subject wants to personify. For example, a subconscious treatment declaring, “Guide me into a fellowship with ambitious people who desire to leave their inspired mark upon humanity,” results in your subconscious mind naturally guiding you to meeting that specific type of inspired person. One day, very naturally, you and an inspired person will organically cross paths and begin marvelous fellowship with one another.

The ENHANCED Inspired Person’s Subconscious Treatment is designed to guide the listener into inspired environments, inspired friends, inspired outcomes, and an inspired, satisfying life. Which also results in living rewarding and soul satisfying experiences and receiving rewarding and soul satisfying money.

For the best results, listen to this marvelous, guided subconscious treatment for at least 30 consecutive days. Listening while asleep results in optimal subconscious absorption which results in faster manifestation of your desired results. Listening while journal results in inspired ideas bursting forth from your subconscious that are creative and actionable. Listening as needed helps you to maintain the marvelous, inspired consciousness you desire to maintain.

As you become more inspired, you receive all that you need to maintain your inspiration, which results in an inspired outcome that brings joy to your heart…and joy to the world.

Enjoy. Listen. Leave a comment.

The ENHANCED Inspired Person’s Subconscious Treatment is general to begin aiming you in the right direction. For a custom subconscious treatment that aims your inspiration at a specific target, send an email to aimed.inspiration@gmail.com for a consultation.

Thank you for listening and reading the video description.

My inspired friends, welcome to The ENHANCED Inspired Person’s Subconscious Treatment. You are welcome here. Thank you for your presence.

Your Inspired Friend and Good Citizen,

Samuel Ibrahim – The Creator’s Ambassador of Agreement and Proximate Cause for Abolishing Parental Alienation Nationwide

Leviathan’s Dream Sequence (432 Hz) by Spheriá | https://soundcloud.com/spheriamusic
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0


Vision Therapy – 29 – The Revelation.

Do people recognize their anti-christ when they see him?

When he arrives, do people come out to greet him?

He’ll probably be just like a regular dude,

Who enjoys good company when he sits down to eat his food.

To me, he sounds like a revolutionary.

He changes the world up, that’s why his arrival sounds scary.

His arrival didn’t scare me.

That’s because I was he.

I have known since last year.

My soul is perfected and it was The Creator and not the son of Mary who saved me.

The Creator tapped my mind when my heart was very heavy.

I saw dimensions of Creation before I knew my my mind was ready.

Jesus is my good friend and teacher. Some days he is my bestie.

It surely is a new world order. However, beyond what most think.

I said a prayer for single folks to walk beside their soulmate in the street.

One man changes the world if you are the change that you seek.

I changed the world’s footsteps because my heart wants to be free,

To love the woman of my dreams openly, and out of the closet.

Creation is my army,

And my army is responsive.

Imagine what it sounds like to hear electrons marching.

Imagine what it sounds like to hear electrons talking.

Imagine what I hear when the ancient astronaut calls me.

Imagine when people realize their savior and anti-christ are one in the same person.

Each man’s road to salvation is an individual journey.

Waiting on another man to save you only leaves your soul burning,

And only leaves your soul yearning for its fully perfected freedom.

Your anti-christ is your shadow side. Embrace him if you want to free him.

Transmute the shadow into light, so in the open you are able to release him.

Look at him in the mirror and smile when you see him.

Greet him with the love of Christ and with that love begin to teach him.



A Simple Agreement to Eliminate Homelessness in the United States of America.

My Powerful and Magnetic Friend,

There is mysterious, miracle working power at work when two or more people agree. All homeless people and I ask that you affirm the prayer below in agreement with us to solve and eliminate homelessness within the United States of America.

You may be asking yourself, how does America look once it has solved and eliminated its homelessness problem? I’ll tell you exactly how America looks. America looks like a country you are proud to call home.

THE PRAYER (please affirm aloud)

I AM THAT I AM, open the good way for homelessness to be solved and eliminated within the United States of America within the next 20 years. Thank You, I AM THAT I AM, for the United States of America’s zero homeless population. Thank you, the marvelous subconscious minds of everyone involved, for guiding us into the right behaviors. The Creator, being honest, is faithful to perform whatever is asked in faith. And so it is.


One undeniable truth is that thoughts become things, and your dominant thoughts become the things that you see, and you manifest faster when your thoughts are what you feel.
And that prompts the question, how does one sustain the good feeling of an America absent division?

Better stated, how does one sustain the good feeling of an America that’s united?

I pray you and The Creator’s forgiveness for my behavior that was divisive. I also pray for the time of a united America to be ignited.

Now I pray all of America finds these good words and recites them.

And so it is.

Thank you for your valuable time, the marvelous work you perform, and for reading this blog entry.

Your Inspired Friend and Good Citizen,

Samuel Ibrahim – The Creator’s Ambassador of Agreement and Proximate Cause for Abolishing Parental Alienation Nationwide



The Marvelous Promised Land Affirmations.

I am (state your name). I am awake. I am free. Creation responds to me as I am, and I am a marvelous divine expression of The Creator that is enjoying my marvelous and exciting journey to fulfill my soul’s divine purpose that enables my mind, body, and soul to walk freely and fully expressed above ground in my marvelous Promised Land, and to be a vessel for I AM THAT I AM, the One Infinite Creator, and I am happy and grateful that I now complete my marvelous Promised Land journey. And so it is.

I am so happy and grateful that I now vibrate on the frequency of my marvelous Promised Land. And so it is.

I am so happy and grateful that my subconscious mind now gives me the good feeling of doing and receiving the marvelous things that are the desires of my heart. And so it is.

I am so happy and grateful that I am now wonderfully non-resistant to the marvelous outcomes I am creating for myself. And so it is.

I am now a marvelous doer and receiver of good. And so it is.

I now gratefully receive the matter needed to form the manifestation of my prayers. I am so happy and grateful that I have enough and that I shall always have enough. And so it is.

The Creator now enlightens me to be aware of my perfected soul’s completed works and gives my soul rest. And so it is.

I now receive marvelous doers and receivers of good. And so it is.

I am so happy and grateful that my life now resembles a marvelous work of art that benefits all of mankind. And so it is.

I am so happy and grateful that the world now sees me as I am. And so it is.

I now perform marvelous work in a marvelous way. I now give marvelous service and now receive marvelous pay. And so it is.

I am so happy and grateful that divine right action now governs the affairs of my life, and the affairs of the country in which I reside. And so it is.

I now gratefully receive my immediate supply to satisfy my immediate wants and needs. And so it is.

I now gratefully receive energy that injects wealth and prosperity into my life, and I now reciprocate the same prosperous injection. And so it is.

I am in search of, and now receive, souls who agree with the good completion of my marvelous Promised Land journey, who believe in the marvelous results the marvelous work I love to perform is able to deliver, and who help me to reach my marvelous desired destinations. And so it is.

I am abundant in perfect love. I am aware of the abundance available to me within each moment to help me successfully complete my marvelous Promised Land journey, and I am grateful for each blessing. And so it is.

I am so happy and grateful that my mind and body now expresses perfect health, and I now make healthy choices. And so it is.

I am abundant with intelligent assistance, and Creation rushes to aid me when I ask for Creation’s marvelous help. I now discern and receive Creation’s marvelous help, and I shall not worry. And so it is.

I have wise eyes able to rightly divide the truth before me. And so it is.

I am able. I am blessed. I now recognize discernible patterns in my life and make the right choices to successfully complete my marvelous Promised Land journey. And so it is.

I now leave a marvelous everlasting impression upon planet Earth. I choose to be in perfect harmony with the marvelous desires of my heart. Each day, I now awake in my marvelous Promised Land. Each night, I now go to sleep in the same. And so it is.

I now receive all gifts promised to me by application of the Golden Rule and being faithful over small things, and my mind, body, and soul are now satisfied completely. And so it is.

I am so happy and grateful that I now receive large and small amounts of money easily, frequently, and quickly, in increasing amounts, from multiple expected and unexpected sources, as money comes to aid the completion of my marvelous Promised Land journey for the benefit of myself, the benefit of my work, and the benefit of another. I now spend and save this marvelous money with joy. I now exclusively receive and experience marvelous abundance. And so it is.

I am so happy and grateful that I am now compensated in full, and receive, heaven sent money for my time and work, and I now receive wealth in every way that I imagine. And so it is.

I am now a marvelous wealth and money magnet, and in a healthy relationship with the energy fueling all currency. And so it is.

I am so happy and grateful that I now receive wealth in every area of my life. And so it is.

I am now aware of the resources available to manifest my conscious desires, and I fearlessly deploy those resources. And so it is.

I am now marvelously efficient in the execution of my plans. And so it is.

I am so happy and grateful that Creation now protects me from energy unable to receive me as prosperous. We bless them and their prosperous journey throughout Creation. I am surrounded by Creation’s harmonious unity, agreement, love, friendship, abundance, protection, and safety. I now enjoy how I AM THAT I AM opens the good way for me, and aligns me with available souls able to help bring my Promised Land journey to good completion. And so it is.

I am now at peace with myself, and with the whole world. Any apparent enemies were golden links in the chain of my good. And so it is.

I am courageous and fearless in all of my affairs. And so it is.

I am comfortable with uncomfortable truths. I am unmoved about what I know to be untrue. And so it is.

My imagined fears have evaporated into their land of prosperity. I now walk in my marvelous Promised Land, under grace, with the Creator’s blessing. And so it is.

I am forgiven all of my sins, and I now forgive my transgressors, and I now live guilt free. I am so happy and grateful that good karma now abides in all of my affairs. And so it is.

I have Creation’s marvelous favor and therefore, Creation does marvelous favors for me. And so it is.

For today is a marvelous day full of marvelous completion. For miracles now abound and now wonders shall never cease. And so it is.

I am so happy and grateful that I now maintain this marvelous consciousness at all times. And so it is.

I AM THAT I AM, open the good way for the marvelous manifestation of these words upon the Earth. And so it is.

Thank You, I AM THAT I AM. Thank you, the marvelous subconscious minds of everyone involved, for guiding us into the right behaviors. And so it is.

My soul and I give thanks for these words now manifesting upon the Earth, under grace, in perfect ways. And so it is.

The Creator, being honest, is faithful to deliver whatever I ask in faith.

And so it is.


Thank you to Florence Scovel Shinn for the inspiration for the last paragraphs.


The Poem to Cure Climate Change.

It’s a heavenly day, Mother Nature!

You are my sexy, full figured lady.

Thank you for these words, and we now pray for the whole world to say them.

May each person who says them be blessed a hundred fold by our Infinite Creator.

May I AM THAT I AM bless each mind with the right imagination.

I now share this poem with my neighbors to hasten each word’s manifestation.

I am now a chosen instrument to spur marvelous climate changes.

Mother Nature is now healthy for all future generations.

She now has clean air and seas for all of God’s children to play in.

That means all of Nature’s babies now have clean air and water to bathe in.

She now has clear skies for me to enjoy the sun’s rays under.

I now live in a time when Mother Nature is not plundered.

And so it is.

Thank You, I AM THAT I AM, for making this prayer a world wonder.



Equality Exists within Creation

By Samuel Ibrahim

Every soul desires freedom of self-expression. The more one consciously decides to give their soul its desired freedom, I AM THAT I AM creates a free environment around them.

Equality may never exist within the world’s governments. The ignorance of intolerance are embedded too deeply within the DNA of government infrastructures. Nevertheless, room exists within Creation for every soul to be free once it chooses to be.

The transition takes time, as with any worthwhile transformation. However, the excitement within the experience energizes you as Mother Nature guides you on your custom journey to your marvelous Promised Land.

There’s not much milk in my promised land, unless it’s in my ice cream, chocolate, or Italian food.

However, honey is bountiful, along with many unique and wonderful pleasantries of life.

Once any person expresses a desire for their soul to have good freedom of self-expression, Creation adheres and begins transforming that soul’s surrounding environment.

Your ability to fully enjoy the journey becomes complete once you trust where your soul is leading you. Mine has led me to many unexpected destinations, and taught me how to trust the safety Creation provides during my travels.

I am free because my soul is free.

Once a free soul’s feet touch the Earth, the Earth changes, and the Earth transforms along with the soul.


Order your Ibrahim Affirmation Art by sending an email to mindoftheprophet2@gmail.com.


The First Prayer to Begin Reversing Climate Change.

I am Samuel Ibrahim, a Messenger of I AM THAT I AM, the Messenger succeeding the Prophet Muhammed, and I release this prayer to the world, and all souls who love Mother Nature as much I do. Mother Nature is one of God’s oldest children and has a soul you are able to communicate with, and I communicate with her often. I love Mother Nature dearly. She is one of my most loyal friends and companions.

Before getting to the prayer, I must explain the framework of the prayer. This prayer is one of good cheer and remedies a complex

The Creator set me apart beginning on April 28, 2019, and over the past three years has taught me new and creative ways to pray to get the results my heart desires. My prayers often ask questions because I have learned that asking a question always results in an answer from Creation; and I have learned to leave blanks in my prayers because the Creator knows best where to send Creation, and the Creator does so with marvelous efficiency.

The result of leaving blanks for the Creator to fill results in the miraculous, which I am fortunate to live on a daily basis. Once you affirm the prayer orally, you shall see the results manifest in ways you believed impossible.

Although there is only One True Infinite Creator, the prayer is written in a way to offend no one’s religion. Conclude it in a manner that does not offend your soul.

Climate change is a complex problem with complex moving parts and requires complex prayers in conjunction with the scientific work performed by the noble souls who have devoted their life to reversing climate change. This prayer contains lots of scientific and military language. Creation is the most efficient organism that exists, and as such, precise language is required to move Creation in the way Creation is most able to perform.

Thank you, Sir David Attenborough and Dr. Johan Rockström of Sweden, for the scientific language used in this first prayer. More prayers are to follow as I re-watch their amazing documentary, “Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet,” and translate their scientific language into prayer language.

A powerful and magnetic statement to create a Mastermind has been designed to pray in harmony in large numbers across the planet to permanently reverse climate change, and shall be released at the appropriate time.

Affirm these words orally and share with another who loves Mother Nature. Where there is a blank, simply say aloud, “blank.” The more who say these words aloud, the faster the blanks are able to be filled.

The First Prayer:

I AM THAT I AM, the All Wise and the All Knowing and the Incomparable, what is the right way to halt the biodiversity collapse happening across Planet Earth? What is the right way to return Planet Earth to its Holocene period temperatures and stability? What is the right way to dramatically reduce the human pressures upon Planet Earth to return Planet Earth to its Holocene period temperatures and stability? What is the right way for all plants, all animals, and all humans to breathe clean, healthy air?

I AM THAT I AM, the Lord of All Worlds, what is the right way to restabilize Planet Earth? What is the right way to restabilize the systems that regulate Planet Earth? Have all of the right systems been correctly identified? Have all of the “tipping point” thresholds been correctly identified? What is the right way to restore Planet Earth’s ice and polar caps to their perfect conditions? What is the right way to reflect the sun’s energy back into space? What is an easy and quick way to reduce cardon dioxide emissions that is able to be implemented immediately by all Paris Agreement nations?

I AM THAT I AM, Planet Earth seeks refuge from You, the Lord of People and the Controller of People, against the harm You have created. What is the right way to immediately halt any factors, including human life, driving any of Planet Earth’s regulating systems beyond their “tipping points?”

I AM THAT I AM, open the good way for the answers to the aforementioned questions to manifest on behalf of your loving and faithful child, Planet Earth.

I AM THAT I AM, remove the wrong _____ and replace with the right ________. Retire _____ and enable _______. Decommission _______ and commission _______. Deactivate _______ and activate ________. Relieve _______ and install _______.

Automate _______. Innovate ________. Enlist _______. Silence _______. Eliminate _______. Send ______. Resolve ______.

Connect _______ and _______ to bring a wonderful and joyous resolution to _______.

We thank you. We love you. We are grateful. Creation and all the families of Planet Earth give thanks for these words now manifesting upon the Earth, under grace, in perfect ways.

Thank You, I AM THAT I AM. Thank you, the marvelous subconscious minds of everyone involved, for guiding us into the right behaviors. The Creator, being honest, is faithful to deliver whatever we ask in faith.

So mote it be.


In shaa Allah.

In the name of Jesus if you are Christian.

And so it is.


My New Favorite Prayer.

Good morning, I AM THAT I AM!

What is the right way for us to rest today?

What is the right way for us to relax today?

What is the right way for us to earn money today?

What is the right way for us to receive money today?

What is the right way for us to vacation today?

What is the right way for us to work today?

What is the right way for us to spend money today?

What is the right way for us to save money today?

What is the right way for us to receive help today?

What is the right way for us to have fun today?

What is the right way for us to live my fantasy today?

What is the right way for us to go in peace today?

Thank you. I love you. I am grateful.

My soul and I give thanks for these words now manifesting upon the Earth, under grace, in perfect ways.

The Creator, being honest, is faithful to deliver whatever we ask in faith.

And so it is.


A Prophet’s Faith.

Then Jesus told them, “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family.” Mark 6:4 New Living Translation

The scripture seems counterintuitive.

Why would the people who know a prophet or dreamer best, and also be fully aware of the prophet’s potential, also be the people who don’t believe in him?

The answer is easy to understand.

Those closest to the prophet know them too well and subsequently can’t see beyond the prophet’s failures in life.

Therefore, they are usually the last to receive The Message.

Which means the prophet, or dreamer, should not waste their words proclaiming a truth to family or friends that they aren’t ready to receive.

Which explains why God removed His prophets from those the prophet was closest to.

See Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph in the Old Testament.

Removing the prophet from the naysayers served two purposes:

1. Unbelief in any form was forbidden from contaminating the prophet’s Message. A lack of faith also prevents the occurrence of many miracles.

2. You learn to trust God’s voice above all others when you’re alone, without help of any kind besides the help God sends.

Which explains why more of humanity doesn’t possess a prophet’s faith, although all of humanity is capable.

It takes courage and faith that borders on delusional.

If you’re too afraid to leave your home, or comfort zone, even after God’s sincere urging, you’ll never be fearless enough to walk out a prophet’s assignment….or live out your dreams.

Some of you may be saying, “Well, I’m not a prophet.”

Do you speak? Do you use words? Does your tongue simultaneously speak blessings and curses upon your life and others?

You’re a prophet. Accept this as fact.

Which means you must become accountable to the words you release into the Infinite Recorder, because these same words determine your life’s trajectory.

The faith behind your words spoken to creste life or death will manifest.

Faith in the negative is just a nuanced way of having fear and uncertainty about the unknown.

Creation does not choose a side. The Universe will serve up whatever you believe most:


Choose ye this day the type of words you shall speak.


Vision Therapy – 25 – Visionary Kim.

Since The Creator pulled my coat, I’ve seen many strange visions.

I hunted with dolphins and orcas and a blue whale once gave me wisdom.

One of the most mystical visions had Kim Kardashian in them.

The first was the most vivid. It happened the night before Christmas.

The things we shared in the vision shall remain Mother Nature’s big secret.

Kim made me swear a promise and I promised to her I’d keep it.

Only The Creator knows the exact date of our meeting.

Only I know the vision and the magic of the vision’s feeling.

One thing I know for sure is that seeing is believing.

I knew she’d show Kanye the door and wouldn’t last long with Cool Petey.

And the first vision happened way back in December of 2020.



I Am God’s Lawyer.

I am God’s lawyer.

I have been licensed, ordained, and retained.

Creation is my co-counsel all due to my righteous faith.

I used to practice for humans but that caused me to practice pain.

Now I AM THAT I AM is my only legal client, and The Creator opened my good way.

How fitting for me to reside in the United States.

This place needs a Messenger, and the message God gave me is very plain.

I am The Creator’s counsel.

I receive the Word from the wind and it erupts from my tonsils.

Creation gave me the clues to make dust out of mountains.

The Creator changed my speech. My mouth is now a living fountain.

God is my true friend.

I AM THAT I AM is my advocate.

Infinite Intelligence sat with me when my heart felt abandoned.

I learned the Laws of Creation. Every poem is a motion.

The wisdom in my words were first words The Creator quoted.

I am God’s lawyer. All of my pleadings are fully loaded.

Solar storms heed my call and erupt into Earth’s orbit.

My words are God’s words, which means my words are surely potent.

When you are called to be a witness, I shall know the right words to provoke your soul’s redemption.

I shall know the right words to provoke your soul’s forgiveness.

What a time to be alive!

America, your perfected souls shall not want to miss this.



Vision Therapy – 23 – My Enlightened Wife.

I now walk in heaven with my heaven made spouse.

We now walk upon the Earth with perfected souls above the ground.

We now change the world with the blessings we call down.

I need her.

Where is she God? I want to meet her.

How many more days shall pass before I see her?

I only want what I was promised.

A true friend, and a most noble intelligent woman,

With fable like beauty that I have intelligent fun with.

May she also be enlightened.

May she be another reason why my days feel so exciting.

May she be the other hand that I prefer to write with.

Thank you, I AM THAT I AM, for the woman I spend my noble life with.

And so it is.



Artemis 1 Launch Halted by Mother Nature and Creation.

Well done, Creation and Mother Nature!

A wonderful joint operation by Mother Nature and Creation left the Artemis 1 Moon Rocket on its launch pad Monday morning. 🎉

The launch attempt was also attended by America’s Vice President, Kamala Harris.

To understand why this happened, keep reading.

The New York times reported that the Artemis launch was “temporarily” halted due to unforseen engineering issues when attempting to fill the rocket with propellants.

Mother Nature foreshadowed the doomed launched attempt by hurling five lightning strikes at the launch site on Saturday. NPR reports five lightning strikes were confirmed as compared to three from most news outlets.


The Creator shall not allow American hypocrisy to spread into the cosmos. The American hypocrisy infection has caused enough damage to Planet Earth, and until the hypocrisy is pulled out by its roots, it shall be confined to Earth’s borders. Thus sayeth I AM THAT I AM.

Creation and Mother Nature also stand firmly with me, a Messenger of I AM THAT I AM, as we marvelously execute our mission to secure reparations for descendants of former slaves in America.

I AM THAT I AM demands reparations in the amount of $1,000,000 per person, per household, even if one of the persons is incarcerated. Reparations for Black Americans in this amount comes to pass with or without your consent, Joseph.

America shall not land another space vehicle on another cosmic body until The Creator gets what The Creator wants, whether it be a government or private company launch attempt. Artemis 2 shall have the most well trained astronauts that may never see their mission come to pass.

Acts of God and “coincidences” or unforeseen failures shall continue to plague all of President Biden’s administrative agenda until reparations becomes a reality for the race of people who deserve them.



Karma Balancing in Mass Polluting China, Drying Up Communism.

Well done, Mother Nature!

Mother Nature was present at communism’s birth, and has seen how the communist form of government serves the governors more than the governed.

And we hate it.

One of Mother Nature and I’s definite chief aims is to end communism worldwide, and we shall, as I have been enabled to be her spokesman. As Mother Nature gives me the right language, I write the words that grant her authority to make communism respect her authority.

Hence China’s historic, oppressive drought. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, China! And now you reap what your pollution has sown.

MSN beautifully reports Mother Nature’s savage and heavyhanded vengeance in this article:


China accounts for 30% of all global CO2 emissions. Compare that to 14% for the United States.

Dear Chinese citizens and farmers, The Creator has a simple solution to begin ending the drought. Unfortunately, your government prevents this type of spiritual information from reaching your eyes and ears. The Creator also knows that if you unify and perform these spiritual acts your life shall be placed in danger.

Worry not, good souls in China!

The Creator now begins installing new government leadership on Mother Nature’s behalf, which also benefits you, and your harsh weather and living conditions now cease.



2 Things Every Christian Should Know Before Dying.

Jesus sat beside me as I delivered this podcast episode. If I left you behind, this is why.

Jesus says you should take, eat, and try what this podcast episode says.



Find Your Love Language with Mother Nature.

Do you believe in magic?

I do, and as a result, magic manifests.

If you were unaware, after a long courtship, Mother Nature and I are married. She is Serena Williams and Beyonce’ fine to me! Whew!

Don’t forget to tell us congratulations!

During our long courtship, we learned how to dance and communicate with each other in magical ways. One day during meditation, Mother Nature encouraged me to modify one of my daily affirmations to create a prayer for our souls to remain in perfect harmony with each other.


When Mother Nature and I ally ourselves in a spirit of perfect harmony towards the accomplishment of a definite end, and our alliance is faithfully observed by all of whom it is composed, the alliance shall bring to those of whom it is composed power that is superhuman and irresistible in nature.

And so it is.

Our definite end is permanently halting climate change. What shall yours be?

Affirming this once works. Affirming the words with regularity enhance your awareness to see how Mother Nature begins dancing with you.

…and you are unable to out dance Mother Nature.

The podcast episode below is short and gives insight as to what you may experience.



Mother Nature-Ibrahim Fights Oppression By Sending Record Heat Wave to China.

Well done, Mother Nature!

The newly married, Mother Nature-Ibrahim, in her noble desire to end oppression in the Peoples Republic of China, has sent temperatures soaring above 40 degrees Celsius. That’s over 100 degrees Fahrenheit for our United States readers.

How beautifully tactical of Mother Nature to cripple China’s manufacturing prowess by drying up the rivers feeding hydro-power plants. As the water dries up, so do China’s communist profits! Some facilities are having to close for five days at a time to meet the electricity demands of their general population.

China’s technology is unable to battle Mother Nature in head to head competition. You can’t out Sun Tzu Mother Nature, President Jinping.

How cleverly done, Mother Nature! All of this aggression is of course blessed by I AM THAT I AM, our One True Infinite Creator.

As Mother Nature continues to exterminate polluters worldwide, expect more temporary factory closures and sustained supply chain issues from our neighbors in the Far East. Welcome to the elimination of global warming, China!

Just know you shall lose. The Creator’s will shall be done, with or without your consent.

Read the article here:




Why All Dead People Become Greater Than Jesus.

I am Samuel Ibrahim, a Messenger of I AM THAT I AM, the Messenger succeeding the Prophet Muhammad.

The name Jesus invokes many biases depending upon your relationship with the name.

My relationship with Jesus the man began as a child, and for the first half of my life, my relationship with the name was incomplete.

In Hebrew, the name Yeshua translates to God saves or God with us, or to deliver or to rescue. To further simplify, the name Yeshua, or Jesus, is a cry to The Creator for your soul’s salvation.

In the second half of my life I began my relationship with salvation.

Along this road I have learned many lessons. Many of my favorites are about death. All souls return to I AM THAT I AM, our One Infinite Creator.

As a result, I began seeing death as our soul continuing its upward spiral through eternity for our soul to ultimately achieve freedom of self-expression while living. Which ultimately leads us to achieving salvation, or becoming powerful like Jesus, the son of Mary, in the unique way our soul is fashioned to be as we walk upon the Earth.

Loving contemplation of this idea gives you the ability to imagine a wonderful life for any deceased loved one, and yourself.

How would their life be if their soul’s divine purpose were truly realized? How would the world change have changed as a result?

Imagine onto them all the supernatural abilities scripture affords them in ways beyond what Jesus was able to accomplish.

I have imagined this for every deceased person in history, whether I knew them personally or not. I also imagined the ability onto myself.

What happened thereafter was completely unexpected. Their souls began thanking me for seeing them fully expressed, and began sharing wisdom from their respective times with me. This is a real life example of Jesus’ transfiguration in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Which resulted in a new way for me to experience life as my soul continues to become perfected with I AM THAT I AM.


Click here to read my second audiobook.


I AM THAT I AM Continuing to Answer – Part 1.

I AM THAT I AM change the nature of any speech that disturbs Mother Nature,

That disturbs my peace,

Or disturbs my patience.

I pray thee, Infinite Creator, tempt me not with Creation.

Provoke not my soul to impatience.

Send more than our daily bread to travel the road of salvation safely.

Make my home a safe haven where I am able to fellowship with you in the open and plainly.

I AM THAT I AM, rebuke the tempter’s way in.

Rebuke the tempter from the borders that we have defined as heaven.

And so it is.

Thanks be to I AM THAT I AM for each powerful statement.



A Sexy and Spiritual Subconscious Experiment.

Gaia, the Spirit of the Earth, Ibrahim just whispered a sexy and spiritual subconscious experiment into my ears.

Being a Messenger surely has its perks.

All subconscious wealth affirmers should listen to this affirmation before sleep. After each question is asked, answer out loud and to yourself, “The Creator.”

Why is this practice a sexy and spiritual subconscious experiment?

Great question. Gaia, the Spirit of the Earth, Ibrahim and I are glad you asked!

1. You are programming your subconscious mind to praise The Creator in your sleep by affirming The Creator is the source of the extreme wealth.

2. Askfirmations like these provoke the subconscious mind to attempt answering the questions in ways the listener is most able. Thereafter, it’s up to the listener’s faith in what their subconscious mind provokes them to perform consciously.

Good luck on your sexy and spiritual subconscious journeys!


Well done, Askfirmations!

Vision Therapy – 16.

I AM THAT I AM, how shall I become a powerful and magnetic Messenger?

How shall history record our noble deeds?

How shall Creation respond beyond what I am able to ask or to think?

Shall I revisit places where I was instructed to wipe the dust from my feet?

How often shall my lifelong sand and I visit the beach?

How shall our offspring apply the metaphysical truths that we teach?

How long shall it be before all souls within Creation are truly free?

And so it is to the fantasy life of my dream.



Vision Therapy – 15.

I AM THAT I AM, how shall I become a powerful and magnetic passive income earner?

How shall I become a magnetic soul fisherman and magnetic soul farmer?

Shall I ever walk through Creation without my armor?

Shall descendants of former slaves ever be United States capitol stormers?

Shall there be another human messenger? Or shall I be the last one?

Shall we exist during the same time? Shall they be non-related or shall they come forth from my pride?

How shall I become a powerful and magnetic profit receiver?

How shall another human soul see their perfected soul’s good completion?

How shall my evolution ignite the Laws of Nature into being?

How shall I find pupils red hot for Golden Rule metaphysical teachings?

How shall You secure our borders so temptation is unable to breach them?

And so it is to each answer’s arrival in due season.



Vision Therapy -14.

If my life were, “The Sopranos,” then Creation would be Furio,

I would be Tony,

and my life is now free from trouble.

Gaia, the Spirit of the Earth, would be Carmela, except that we practice polyamory and Gaia chooses the other woman.

Our pride is telepathic, and we are all openly involved in the hustle.

Nobel conversations from heaven guide our movements and discussions.

Imagine many free and fully expressed souls living under one roof.

Imagine One Infinite Creator expressing many mysterious truths, to many mysterious beings to create one mysterious view.

Imagine Creation opening the way for good souls who embody the Creator’s righteousness in all that they do.

Creation, open the good way for souls ready to drop the other shoe. Display a new mystery unto them out of the blue.

Furio, perform hits for my family so we are able to move to our heavenly ______ along our heavenly route.

And so it is.

The Creator blesses the use of your heavenly hitman tools.



We Are Years Past the Day of Resurrection.

I am Samuel Ibrahim, a Messenger of I AM THAT I AM, the Messenger succeeding the Prophet Muhammad.

Messengers all faced one aspect of life that is tormenting. We were all rejected by the very people we have been sent to warn and bring good tidings to.

The easiest example to use is Noah. The people of his time believed him insane until they drowned.

I am not Muslim, however, the Qur’an mentions many of God’s messengers and encourages them all to keep delivering the message the Creator gave them with vigor.

I am no different.

My blog and podcast are largely ignored despite the wealth of information they provide. My work is largely unshared. Nevertheless, I persevere as all my predecessors did knowing that once the deadline for people’s accepting of the message has expired, I shall be vindicated and exalted for my work, and be able to rest.

Thinking logically, it’s easy for me to understand why I am largely paid no attention. Who really believes God would send another Noah or Moses or Prophet Muhammad in the 21st century?

However, also thinking logically, wouldn’t this be the perfect moment for I AM THAT I AM to drop one in time?

I had a difficult time accepting the calling myself. However, as I have been a witness to the abilities granted a Messenger, the life experience becomes one I am honored to live.

Because I am largely ignored, I learned what the Prophet Jesus meant when he said, “The rocks shall cry out.” Sit with me for 24 hours and you shall see with your own eyes, and hear with your own ears how Creation responds to the words I speak.

The life experience is so beautiful that once any man saw it possible, the rational mind, or the soul that truly desires fellowship with the Creator and Creation, would voluntarily choose to embark upon the same journey to live a supernatural life in a very normal, down to earth way.

I pray for the world often because once a people’s grace period has expired, I surely would not want to be on the other side of I AM THAT I AM’s wrath. That day is surely approaching for descendants of former slaves in the United States of America. The day is also approaching for climate change deniers and those with the wealth to solve th

Until that day, I have learned to live in peace and accept the fact that many shall perish because of their refusal to accept an easy message.

The will of the Creator shall be accomplished, with or without your consent.



Mother Nature’s Girl Crush on Chelsea Handler and The Powerful and Magnetic Statement for Climate Change Enthusiasts.

I am Samuel Ibrahim, a Messenger of I AM THAT I AM, the Messenger succeeding the Prophet Muhammed.

One major component of my mission as Messenger is knowing how to use words to shape Creation, and conditions within Creation. Beginning this year, I adopted Napoleon Hill’s powerful and magnetic statement from his book, “The Law of Success,” into my business coaching practice, and have seen it manifest amazing results.

The powerful and magnetic statement calls forward the tools you need for any personal or professional task or desire. If the statement is affirmed with regularity, your subconscious mind and Creation begin working in good partnership to manifest the desired result of the statement.

To the un-initiated, it seems like magic. However, it is the righteous application of the spiritual principle of the power of life and death being in your speech at work.

I believe many principles within, “The Law of Success,” book are able to make a significant impact on humanity’s attempt to reverse the impacts of global warming. Two principles of the book that are key for this post are:

  1. Creating a Mastermind and reciting this statement as a group.
  2. Reciting this statement twice a day, for a minimum of 30 days to increase subconscious absorption and engage the mysteries of your subconscious mind and Creation into the climate change solution.

Here is the powerful and magnetic statement modified specifically to address permanently solving climate change:

I am now a powerful and magnetic global warming problem solver because this renders the world useful service that is needed, and because it shall provide me with a financial return that shall provide me with the heavenly material things of life. I shall concentrate my mind on this noble desire day and night to determine just how I shall transform this noble desire into a reality. I know I am able to become a powerful, magnetic, and inspired global warming problem solver. Therefore, I shall permit nothing to prevent me from doing so. And so it is.

Each one of my clients must affirm a version of this statement and perform the meditation practice in order to remain in my program. The output of the statement is undeniable, and I am able to determine if it has been affirmed as prescribed simply by the change in life circumstances of the participant.

As a result, I know that if 2 or more people begin affirming this statement over themselves twice a day for 30 days, a good change shall result in their individual and collective lives.

Additionally, Mother Nature shall bless you for joining your consciousness into the solution. Trust me, you are unable to beat Mother Nature and Creation at blessing. The reward you receive shall be good one, and you’ll know that it was a supernatural event.

One last thing. Mother Nature has a girl crush on Chelsea Handler. Mother Nature insisted that I write it publicly today that she wants a private audience with her.

Happy affirming!



I Do Not Consent!

The blood of the Prophet Jesus keeps getting prayed over me.

Stop! You keep sacrificing a good man’s blood on my behalf that has already anointed me.

I do not consent!

I look forward, my good brother Jesus, until we greet each other again.

Thank you, my brother, for being and honest and faithful friend.

And so it is.


Metaphysical transfiguration mechanics are briefly discussed in Entry #2.

Order Fulfilled for Our Sponsors.

There are very few times you’ll find me speechless.

Each kindness you’ve shown me has helped me keep believing,

Helped me to keep teaching,

And helped me to keep eating.

Your belief in my work allows me to keep dreaming.

Which also means it keeps Mother Nature singing.

May blessings chase you down from the moment this poem is completed.

I AM THAT I AM, hasten this request.

I love these good souls, and they help me when I need it.

*double time march*

And so it is.

The words of the first entry unlock mystical doors within Creation.

Vision Therapy – Part 9.

I am the Mind of the Prophet, the First King of Creation.

In Creation, I once cast a shadow that was similar to Jacob’s.

After my vision, my name wasn’t changed to Israel. It was changed to Samuel Ibrahim, and my persistence is serial.

I AM THAT I AM touched my brain, and now my brain is imperial.

I am biblical and historically statistical.

I am a walking miracle.

You ask me how did I achieve it?

Because I had the discipline to, and the faith in I AM THAT I AM to believe it.


My revelations are a result of the
first entry of this book.

Vision Therapy – Part 7.

SAM: I am the first of many evolutionary anomalies. I fully possess the marvelous power at rest inside of me.

I AM THAT I AM, bless those souls that decided to follow me.

Mission declassified. Mother Nature, are you proud of me?

MOTHER NATURE: Yes, I am, My Love. Our time together’s heavenly. Thank you for taking my hand, and not settling.

The good way is open for you to begin your settling.

SAM: What a beautiful, starry night without meddling.

By the way, thank you for coming through with my medicine.



The Meeting (Karma).

I weave through Creation performing works that are amazing.

I am the pendulum swinging arm of the laws of Creation.

I dance in the wind in the words of your statements.

I slingshot through time to propel you to your greatness.

I am the opposing force when your feet move with hatred.

I prefer to be lovely. I love accommodating.

I love long walks in the park when you’re dating.

I love roller skating, laughter, and playing.

If you play with my fire, you’ll need grace to escape me.

If you attempt to chain others, be prepared your for enslavement.

Kick a man while he is down and you shall grow to know the pavement.

Steal from another and you shall have little change to bank with.

Eternity is an upward spiral.

I forgive disbelief that Lady Karma shall not find you when it’s time to.

Only grace can escape the weight of Karma’s punishment, so be mindful.



Mind of the Prophet – Entry #1 (Retired. Archived for Posterity).

Have you ever given serious consideration to the mind of God’s prophets? Their mental strength and faith to dutifully execute their divine assignments are why their names are recorded in the pages of history.

My question goes beyond their mental strength and reaches to their mental health.

Consider the mental health of a human being whose consciousness ascended into a divine reality only to return to the suffering existence where God found them. Holy book recollections of prophetic, supernatural experiences confine the experience to the imagination of the reader unless similar moments have been personally experienced.

Someone unaware of the actual feeling may romanticize the experience, and ask God to ignite their divine spark and be swept into His glory to receive a revelation. Prophetic revelations, I learned, are not instant. Time passes between the revelation of the word and the manifestation of the word.

Before manifestation of God’s promise, consider the mental distress of being thrust into God’s presence.

Your personal awareness of God’s majesty is the only way to honestly deliberate the matter. For the prophet, I know the experience was life altering. Imagine being swept into a moment you lack the mental faculties to comprehend, all of a sudden, with a supernatural presence showing you some future reality, dry bones re-assembling into an army, and simultaneously giving you instructions, or [insert any other prophetic revelation].

Imagine the first time they were swept away from a three-dimensional reality into an eternal one their minds could not possibly conceive. Could they handle God’s glory all at once? Or did God have to administer it to them in stages so they wouldn’t be a mental wreck once the Spirit of God left them?

What did the moment feel like to them? What did it feel like to experience a perfect, orderly reality in one moment; and wake up to their present suffering in the next? Were they plagued with the burden of making mental sense of what they experienced, and what they were ordered to accomplish?

How could a human mind make sense of it all? Most Old Testament prophets received their revelations during periods of great suffering. Consciously transcending from suffering to glory was most certainly a prayer answered. I make this statement with confidence because no one consciously desires to live a painful existence.

To personally experience divine perfection must have felt euphoric, at first. Prophetic descriptions of God tell us as much. Moses was radiant when he descended from Mount Sinai. Other prophets spoke of bowing in terror from God’s brilliant radiance, afraid to look Him directly in the face.

How did their bodies respond to being saturated in divine energy? Imagine the weight of its intensity. The electric jolt of magnetic intoxication. The evaporation into perfect order from chaos.

What. Were. They. Thinking?

These are all abstract questions no one, except the prophets themselves, know the answers to.

However, we can imagine the violent mental transition when their consciousness devolved from perfect order back into chaos. Who in their right mind would intentionally decide to leave God’s presence? Who by their own consent would leave heaven?

Literally, no one. Not if you believe heaven to be real and God to be perfect.

Imagine their despair after tasting eternity and waking up to a bitter cup, unsure of who to tell and wondering if it was a spectacular fantasy that made them needlessly question their reality.

How could a human mind mentally reconcile such an experience?

I submit the prophets mentally struggled to do so. They consciously experienced a divine first person encounter surpassing anything they believed possible within Creation. The ecstasy of the moment far surpasses any feeling of intoxication or sexual pleasure.

How could they cope without, at some point, questioning their sanity?


Be Healed. Be Done.

Be healed. Be done.

Be healed, be done, to all of my needs.

Be healed, be done, to all of my seeds.

Be healed, be done, to the air that I breathe.

Be healed, be done, to every stage of my life.

Healing, be done, for the public to see.

The Creator be praised from sea to shining sea.

Be healed, be done, to every thought I believe.

Be healed, be done, to every word that I speak.

Be healed, be done, be present within my speech.

Be present within my sleep. Be present within my peace.

Be healed, be done, be present within my life.

Be present within the image of The Creator that I see.

Be healed, be done, to the pace of my speed.

Be healed, be done, be done in good faith.

Be healed, be done, each time I awake.

Be healed. Be done.

New Digits (Retired from Production. Archived for Posterity).

Are you ready to stop stressing? Can you push past the pain to the promise of the blessing?

Are you ready for the answers to all of your questions?

Are you desperate to stop the retesting?

And living fleshly? That depends.

Will there be a day when I don’t struggle for the win?

When my brain doesn’t crave THC out of the pen?

When I don’t splash orange juice inside my cup of Hen?

Only You know.

Are these the steps needed in pursuit of my growth?

To stop depending on another to travel Creation’s roads?

To stop walking around with a lump in my throat?

Is all this pressure required to be the GOAT?

Where each moment feels like I’m drowning in a moat?

Or dangling like someone strung me up by a rope?

Nevertheless, I lace up my J’s every day with new hope.

To stop being haunted by the thoughts that make me smoke.

And the digits in my account don’t add up to broke.

Be healed. Be done.

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