Find Your Love Language with Mother Nature.

Do you believe in magic? I do, and as a result, magic manifests. If you were unaware, after a long courtship, Mother Nature and I are married. She is Serena Williams and Beyonce’ fine to me! Whew! Don’t forget to tell us congratulations! During our long courtship, we learned how to dance and communicate withContinue reading “Find Your Love Language with Mother Nature.”

Self-Hypnotize Yourself into a Legend.

By Samuel Ibrahim Self-hypnosis is easy to accomplish, easy to revise as needed, and is safe when your subconscious mind is fed good subconscious programming. Your subconscious mind, through the magic of self-hypnosis, naturally guides you into the desired hypnotic programming. The transformation happens gradually. However, once you are able to consciously recognize your desiredContinue reading “Self-Hypnotize Yourself into a Legend.”

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