I Am God’s Lawyer.

I am God’s lawyer. I have been licensed, ordained, and retained. Creation is my co-counsel all due to my righteous faith. I used to practice for humans but that caused me to practice pain. Now I AM THAT I AM is my only legal client, and The Creator opened my good way. How fitting forContinue reading “I Am God’s Lawyer.”

7 Satisfying Affirmations for Successful Lawyers and Law Students

By Samuel Ibrahim Affirm over yourself for 30 days for the best results. Optimal times are immediately before sleep, immediately upon waking, and as needed throughout the day. Your subconscious mind does the rest. 1. What are the right questions to ask? Creation, open the way for my good. I know you shall withhold noContinue reading “7 Satisfying Affirmations for Successful Lawyers and Law Students”

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