A Simple Agreement to Eliminate Homelessness in the United States of America.

My Powerful and Magnetic Friend,

There is mysterious, miracle working power at work when two or more people agree. All homeless people and I ask that you affirm the prayer below in agreement with us to solve and eliminate homelessness within the United States of America.

You may be asking yourself, how does America look once it has solved and eliminated its homelessness problem? I’ll tell you exactly how America looks. America looks like a country you are proud to call home.

THE PRAYER (please affirm aloud)

I AM THAT I AM, open the good way for homelessness to be solved and eliminated within the United States of America within the next 20 years. Thank You, I AM THAT I AM, for the United States of America’s zero homeless population. Thank you, the marvelous subconscious minds of everyone involved, for guiding us into the right behaviors. The Creator, being honest, is faithful to perform whatever is asked in faith. And so it is.


One undeniable truth is that thoughts become things, and your dominant thoughts become the things that you see, and you manifest faster when your thoughts are what you feel.
And that prompts the question, how does one sustain the good feeling of an America absent division?

Better stated, how does one sustain the good feeling of an America that’s united?

I pray you and The Creator’s forgiveness for my behavior that was divisive. I also pray for the time of a united America to be ignited.

Now I pray all of America finds these good words and recites them.

And so it is.

Thank you for your valuable time, the marvelous work you perform, and for reading this blog entry.

Your Inspired Friend and Good Citizen,

Samuel Ibrahim – The Creator’s Ambassador of Agreement and Proximate Cause for Abolishing Parental Alienation Nationwide


Published by mindoftheprophet

I love learning and teaching metaphysical principles. I also write revolutionary poetry and host a revolutionary podcast. Enjoy!

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