Equality Exists within Creation

By Samuel Ibrahim

Every soul desires freedom of self-expression. The more one consciously decides to give their soul its desired freedom, I AM THAT I AM creates a free environment around them.

Equality may never exist within the world’s governments. The ignorance of intolerance are embedded too deeply within the DNA of government infrastructures. Nevertheless, room exists within Creation for every soul to be free once it chooses to be.

The transition takes time, as with any worthwhile transformation. However, the excitement within the experience energizes you as Mother Nature guides you on your custom journey to your marvelous Promised Land.

There’s not much milk in my promised land, unless it’s in my ice cream, chocolate, or Italian food.

However, honey is bountiful, along with many unique and wonderful pleasantries of life.

Once any person expresses a desire for their soul to have good freedom of self-expression, Creation adheres and begins transforming that soul’s surrounding environment.

Your ability to fully enjoy the journey becomes complete once you trust where your soul is leading you. Mine has led me to many unexpected destinations, and taught me how to trust the safety Creation provides during my travels.

I am free because my soul is free.

Once a free soul’s feet touch the Earth, the Earth changes, and the Earth transforms along with the soul.


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Published by mindoftheprophet

I love learning and teaching metaphysical principles. I also write revolutionary poetry and host a revolutionary podcast. Enjoy!

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