One Inspired America

America, the beautiful. America, the united. America, the home of the free and the land of the enlightened. America, the melting pot of the bold, courageous, and inspired. America, the birthplace of beautiful, noble desires. America, does the thought make you excited? America, prepare yourself for the good now able to transpire. And so itContinue reading “One Inspired America”

What is Affirmation Music and Why Did I Create It?

The Promise Land Mastermind is a new channel that puts new twists on many old concepts. One of those concepts is how to enhance a person’s subconscious performance by combining rap music and affirmations. Music invokes emotion. Affirmations provoke a subconscious response. Combining the two is a perfect recipe to enable enhanced subconscious absorption andContinue reading “What is Affirmation Music and Why Did I Create It?”

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