What is Affirmation Music and Why Did I Create It?

The Promise Land Mastermind is a new channel that puts new twists on many old concepts. One of those concepts is how to enhance a person’s subconscious performance by combining rap music and affirmations. Music invokes emotion. Affirmations provoke a subconscious response. Combining the two is a perfect recipe to enable enhanced subconscious absorption andContinue reading “What is Affirmation Music and Why Did I Create It?”

Order Fulfilled for Mr. Jaswiendre Singh of Phoenix.

Good morning, my friend. May I AM THAT I AM continue to bless you. You are teaching American business owners a valuable business lesson. The Golden Rule is undefeated, no matter your religion. What an amazing lesson to pass on to your children! What a great way to inject good karma into your business! ThankContinue reading “Order Fulfilled for Mr. Jaswiendre Singh of Phoenix.”

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